The Life and Ministry of Jesus

As Lent approaches we are going to be reading through the life and ministry of Jesus. There will be plenty of new stories for us to explore. However, a lot of the stories we will actually just be reviewing. If you are following along in our Lent Reading Plan and looking for some activities to pair with the readings, here are a collection of devotions we have already done and will be reviewing during the 40 days of Lent. Each devotion is summarized, with a link to activities and/or additional resources.

John the Baptist

John the Baptist was special. He was chosen by God for the job of preparing hearts for Jesus. In this story we learned that his diet was one of the ways people knew he was special.

The Baptism of Jesus

What is baptism? Why was Jesus baptized? In this devotion we reenacted the story, and learned that everything Jesus did was because he loves us.

The 12 Disciples

In the story of The 12 Disciples, Jesus chose his followers, who he later calls his friends. Many of them were fisherman. So we played many fishing-related games, as well as practiced counting to 12.

Water to Wine

We used some sensory play to learn about Jesus First Miracle. Although Jesus may have turned the water to wine, he was actually changing the world.

The Sermon on the Mount

During The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told us not to worry. God cares for the flowers of the field, and the birds of the air. He cares for us, his children, even more.

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s prayer is one of those passages of scripture that can just sound like big words to little ears. However there are some great resources that scale down the language, and make the passage palatable for small children. The Beginner’s Bible (Spanish: La Biblia para Principantes) has the text written out in this Storybook Bible for families wanting to memorize the verse. The Kids’ Bible Stories Podcast has a wonderful episode that breaks the passage down, explaining what each section means. We also colored a picture from our “What’s In The Bible?” Coloring Book

The Centurian’s Faith

In The Centurian’s Faith we learned that Jesus does not even have to be in the room to hear our prayers and heal. We can pray to him anywhere, and know he is listening.

Jesus Calms the Storm

This play through is super simple. All you need is water (and an optional boat). I recapped the story and had the girls make a “storm.” Then Jesus told the winds and the waves “Silence! Be Still!”(Mark 4:39). I had them be calm. We talked about how Jesus is with us no matter what scary thing we face, and he is in control.

Jairus’ Daughter

The story Jairus’ Daughter is actually 2 healings in one. Jesus showed his love to a woman with a bleeding disorder, and also to a little girl who had died. God can heal any disease.

Jesus Healed the Paralyzed Man

Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man is a story where we learn that Jesus not only has the power to heal our bodies, but to heal our souls from sin. He is the great physician.

Jesus Heals A Man Who Came Through The Roof

This story takes place in Luke 5, where we see some men bring their friend to be healed by Jesus, but finding no way into the house, they cut a hole through the roof and lowered the man down to meet Jesus.

Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Jesus fed 5,000 people with just 5 Loaves of Bread and 2 Fish. He is the bread of life, and gives us everything we could need, without having to work for it.

New Snacktivity: Toddler Tuna Sandwhiches

Jesus Walked on the Water

Using some jello play we learned about one of Jesus’ most famous miracles: Walking on Water!

The Bread of Life

In this devotion we learned that Jesus is like really good bread that we don’t have to work to eat. He is a free gift.

Jesus is the Light of the World

In this devotion we played with the contrast of Dark and Light and learned what Jesus meant when he said “I am the Light of the World.”

10 Lepers

The Ten Lepers is a story of thankfulness. Jesus healed 10 men, and only 1 came back to say thank you. In this devotion, we worked our fine-motor skills, and practiced counting to 10.

Jesus Heals the Blind Man

Jesus Healed the Blind Man with some mus. That seems so silly, but God’s ways are often different than what we expect.

Mary and Martha

Mary and Martha: This story is often talked about as a battle of priorities, but when we look at it in context we that Jesus may have been making a different point.

The Parables of Jesus

The Parables of Jesus were scattered all throughout the Gospels. Here you will find a collection of the parables we have played through.


Lazarus was raised from the dead, showing Jesus’ power over death. In this story, we see a foreshadowing of Jesus’ own resurrection, and the hope we have of eternal life.

Jesus Anointed At Bethany

We used essential oils and a praise party to play through this story: Jesus Anointed At Bethany

Palm Sunday

Staying at home for Palm Sunday? Check out this simple way to celebrate: Hosana: A Toddler Devotion for Palm Sunday

The Resurrection

The Resurrection or Easter is the story of new life for all. Here are a collection of our Easter activities from last year.

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