Lent with Preschoolers

Lent is fast approaching and I have had a lot of questions about what we will be doing for Lent. Our family isn’t from a liturgical tradition. However, I do have a great appreciation for liturgical tradition, and have observed lent in the past. Our girls are a little young for fasting. I could ask them to give up TV or sugar, but I don’t think they would understand the significance. Instead, I’m planning on fasting sweets, and the girls can observe and learn. We also will be reading through the ministry of Christ as a family.

For those interested in following along, I have created a reading plan.

Reading Plan

Click the image to obtain a downloadable version.

We will be using a combination of sensory play and our Storybook Bible to explore the verses. However, most days the reading is less than 10 verses (exceptions being days when the story is a little longer. In that case do what is best for your family. You can read the whole thing, break-it up between a couple days, summarize…you do you).

You also may notice that I only have readings for Monday-Friday. I did that, because Saturday is our family day, and Sunday is church day. This also leaves the weekends to be catch-up days.

Not about Perfection

Remember, Lent is simply a time to connect with God, and seek him. It is not a time for perfection. God accepts us as we are. We are not perfect, we are human. So if you find yourself falling behind in reading…if you’re not reaching your fasting goals, or giving goals…if your coffee fast turns you into a bear. Remember, the point of fasting is to remind us of our weakness, and focus our dependency on Christ. “When we are weak he is strong” (2 Corinthians 2:9-11).

What are your Lent plans? Are you fasting anything? Comment Below!

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