About Us

Who’s Behind Baby Devotions?

I’m Kayla: stay at home mom, toddler-wrangler, doing my best to raise littles who know the God who loves them and thoughtfully love their neighbors. I’m passionate about showing my littles how to approach scripture with a sense of wonder and critical thinking. The Bible is God’s revelation to humanity. Let’s wonder about God together. We do our best to explore Biblical cultural and historical context in age appropriate ways, ever exploring the character of our loving heavenly parent. The One who showed up in humanity as Jesus, and continues to be with us in the Holy Spirit.

We abide by the Apostles Creed, and when subtle differences in perspective threaten to divide the unity of the church, I find great comfort in mediating on these words that declare our over-arching oneness in Christ.

Because the church is a large diverse community, I am passionate about exploring and introducing my littles to different perspectives within the Christian Faith. In the words of Rupertus Meldenius:

“In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

In this spirit I ask you to have grace as I share resources. I aim to share from a variety of perspectives across the theological spectrum. Some that you may find challenging. If you find something that does not fit well into your faith journey at the moment, it’s ok to pass on it. We do not have to agree with someone on all details to be able to learn from one another. I share from my own context that has found a richness in my faith and theology as I have learned from Christians in other walks of life and I want to share that with my own littles.

Also I really have grown a love for the Liturgical Calendar. This is not something I grew up with, nor is it practiced in the church we currently attend. However, as I have learned and begun to practice it in our own family, it has become a beautiful piece of identity formation. Anchoring us in the spiritual heritage offered to us through Church history, and connecting us to the global Church of today.

What Are Baby Devotions?

Baby Devotions started as a personal project to meditate on scripture for myself and bring my littles with me. Growing up in a home where my parents were intentional about sowing seeds of faith, I have seen and reaped the benefit of that intention. It was something I knew I wanted to pass on to my own children. However, I also knew I was going to need a bit of accountability. So I started posting on my personal Facebook about the tiny Bible Studies I was doing with my 18 month old. I thought I was clever and called them ‘Baby Devotions.’ Friends who were either encouraged…or wanted me to stop spamming their feeds, suggested I move my ideas to a blog. So here we are! 5 years later, I do recognize I probably should have named this place something other than Baby Devotions. After all, babies don’t keep. And as my tiny humans grow, so do the ways we explore the Bible.

Discipleship is definitely not one-and-done moments. If I have learned anything in this space it is that discipleship is little drops in a bucket. We start with play and storybook Bibles, and little by little our conversations grow from ‘I wonder if their were unicorns on the ark…’ to ‘I wonder what it looks like to be apart of God’s Kingdom in the 2nd grade.’

Indeed, this is not one and done. But it starts in these little years. Come pray n’ play with us!

If you have found yourself in this space, it’s probably because you also want to lead your littles to Jesus. Day by day. Drop by drop in the spiritual bucket. Come with us.

As I have been on this journey, my kids aren’t the only ones whose faith has grown (if you look at my older posts you’ll probably see they’ve evolved a bit). But that’s the beauty. When we are faithful to show up with our littles, Jesus also shows up for us. Jesus welcomed the children (Mark 10:13). But let me tell you, he was also welcoming the toddler mom. You know, those of us who haven’t been in the sanctuary for months, because we’re always called to the nursery. Those of us who have resigned to hanging out in the fellowship hall, because our littles are ‘a little too much’ for the main service. Me too, friend. Jesus sees us. And I see you. Let’s go meet Jesus together, and bring our little ones with us.

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